Random Rants and Raves of a Construction Worker

Random Rants, Raves, and Realizations of a Construction Worker, Father, and Husband

Friday, October 8, 2010

Car Troubles

As promised this is the post explaining what is going on with my cars, well my wife's car started sputtering about two and a half weeks ago... I took it everywhere to get it checked out, I mentioned to one guy that I thought it was the coil packs, which are on top of each spark plug... He said it was too new to be coil packs since it is a 2007, he suggested maybe cleaning the fuel injectors and changing the spark plugs... I did this and thirty dollars later still had the same problem, only it seemed like it got worse, now my check engine light has come on... I think this is great, now they can read a code off of it and tell me exactly what's wrong... Well, I was right they did read a code off of it, actually FIVE and they just simply let me know that cylinders one, two, and three were misfiring, I had a random cylinder misfiring, and the MAF sensor was bad... This time the guy suggested trying to clean the MAF sensor with what I think is a bogus cleaner that I have never heard of before and try to take each coil pack off and unplug it thinking that maybe that will reset something since the only cylinder that wasn't misfiring was four and that is the one I had to unplug to get out so I could change that spark plug, the rest just swung out of the way so I did it, still no change... Being the kind of person I am, I turned to the Internet and Google, found a forum  with some guys that had the same problem around the same mileage, and they changed the coil packs and guess what, no more sputter... So I call Autozone to see how much one coil pack is... One hundred and eighty-seven dollars!! That's crazy, and I need three of them?? Well one guy on the forum said to try BernardiParts.com, so I did and I got them for sixty-seven dollars instead, That's three for the price of one locally, so I went ahead and got a visor clip that she has been wanting to replace too, from when she broke it, and now her visor won't clip and stay in one spot anymore... Well, now that my parts have finally come in two weeks later, I am going to fix the car before I start my day... Got to get an early start, and get this thing done... I hope this post might help someone out with there car troubles, who knows, maybe there is another sputtering Fit out there!

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