Random Rants and Raves of a Construction Worker

Random Rants, Raves, and Realizations of a Construction Worker, Father, and Husband

Thursday, October 7, 2010

A Very Intriguing Day to Say the Least...

Well, my day started off interesting and got more so by the hour... As you remember from my previous post, I woke up late this morning, well when I got out of the house I went to pick up my co-worker... Well all that went smooth, got on the property and took him to his job site, on my way back to mine the troops were blocking off the road I needed to turn down... I waited for them to move the barricades which they never did, evidently it is their new traffic lanes to keep cars going straight to get out of the gate entrance... So I end up driving around in circles until I find another route that eventually gets me to my job site... While I am sitting in the parking lot waiting on the Pipe Fitting Foreman to show up I get a call from my wife, lo and behold she has a flat tire on my car, why is she driving my car you might ask? That is another post all to itself... But, nervertheless I have to leave the job I just spent all this time trying to get to, to go and help her out...(Which I don't mind that at all) So I am leaving the job and oh yea, the road I am driving down is the one blocked off, Duh!! So a U-turn later I am on my way... Got her taken care of and headed back to work... Work went pretty smooth and my day started going a little more normal... That is until lunch, and this doesn't directly involve me only the fact that I witnessed it... I was sitting at Sam's eating me a slice of pizza and drinking me a soda, when this lady comes up to order seven slices of pizza... The girl behind the counter was surprisingly nice and courteous and even put the slices in a large pizza box to help her out, the lady proceeds to the condiment counter and counts her slices of pizza, well evidentally there are only six slices and she counts them about three times... She goes back to the counter and begins raising sand with the nice girl that helped her out, asking her if she ever even learned how to count and she knew why she was working at Sam's... I could tell it hurt the girl but she went on and got the lady her seventh slice of pizza... As the lady turns around and says something about the girl needed to go back to school before she ruins her life, right after that moment she opens the pizza box because I guess it wasn't closed to her satisfaction and dropped EVERY slice on the floor... INSTANT satisfaction!!! I couldn't stopped laughing at her, not with her, AT her... I was doing everything but pointing and spewing coke out of my nose, it was great!!! And wouldn't you know it the girl at the counter called her back and gave her a fresh baked whole pizza for no charge... Tell me God won't smile down on her, and I guess I will burn, I would have never done that... Anyway, after that little laugh, ok big laugh, I went back to work... Work continued as normal, until I went to use the restroom in the Men's Locker room, I walked in and there were three women in there dancing and acting fool... So, I turn around and go to walk back out to check the door and make sure I didn't just screw up big time, when one of them calls me back in there to tell me that the area was off limits because they had just scrubbed it.. Ok witch, first of all I was already leaving so don't call me back and make me walk across the floor you just scrubbed just to tell me to stay off of it and secondly try hanging a sign next time, I mean WTF??? So I went on about my business at work and got finished up, got to Mom's to pick up my baby girl and asked if the parts for my wife's car had come in yet, they should have been here Tues. and of course they didn't... And just to top off my day as soon as I walk in the door of my house, I mean AS SOON AS I walked in, mom calls me to let me know that my parts just came in... I mean really I don't think I could plan a more mixed up day...
But, tomorrow is a new day and I get to spend it with my daughter, I think we are going to try and go to Frankie's Fun Park, should be fun and relaxing... Until next time, I'm signing out!!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry your day was so messed up, but it made for a very interesting blog! If it had been a book, I wouldn't have been able to put it down! :-) Hope you and Heather have a great day tomorrow! I love you!!!
