Random Rants and Raves of a Construction Worker

Random Rants, Raves, and Realizations of a Construction Worker, Father, and Husband

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day Number Two!!!

Heather's second day at daycare went pretty good also, She was more unsure today than she was yesterday, but she still went into the TV room and sat on one of the teachers lap and let Candice tell her bye... The Update at the end of the day was that she got upset twice on the playground when she noticed we weren't there but after a few minutes she was fine and back playing... She did end up getting scratched on her face, under her eye when her and another child was playing with sticks,but they told Candice immediately, so I thought that was pretty cool... At the end of today she actually wanted to come home and told all of the teachers bye... That is a big thing because yesterday she wouldn't even talk to them as we were leaving...I am still disappointed that I couldn't be there today, or tomorrow but  am glad she is doing so wonderful with it and I will get to pick her up on Thursday, and on Friday this week, so that makes me feel a little better... This will probably be the last update about daycare that I post, unless something out of the ordinary happens, because I think she is doing just fine with it... Until next time, I'm out!!

1 comment:

  1. I am happy she is doing well with Daycare. I miss her like crazy. I try to stay busy but I still find myself getting upset. I hope it will get easier. Just know I love her and miss her terribly ! Please bring her to see me.
    Love mom
